Help: Tagging Checklist

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This is an informal and unofficial supplement to the tagging rules and guidelines, meant to encourage better and more complete tagging.

Make sure you're also familiar with our Tag What You See policy before editing tags: tag_what_you_see for the policy itself, and e621:Tag What You See (Explained) for a more in-depth explanation why we use TWYS.

Each entry below poses a general question about a post, with some example tags that answer it. A good post will probably have most of these answered (but not necessarily all).


Tags that all posts should have, to maintain minimal searchability.

Sexually explicit

Pose / Activity / Appearance

Information and Requests

Do NOT tag

  • Subjective tags that express opinions. Common examples include beautiful, sexy, hot, good, crappy and most other adjectives. Subjective themes can be collected into a set instead. (See )
  • Generic tags such as legs, eyes, big, image and organism.

See also:

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