Topic: [Feature] Add follower list

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

So just a thought, It would be interesting to add a follower feature to E6AI. What i mean by this is say i like a particular director's art and would like to see their work in it's own file/list in my feed? Would it be possible to add this as a filter while browsing the main feed or possibly as a profile option to see that director's art? Im currently working on a few scripts within the available files that could possibly function as such but would like to get permission first before doing anything else. Thanks!

I approve:

But if you want permission, I don't think the bosses will find your topic here, if you don't PM them on e621 or discord. NotMeNotYou or WorkDoge may be the ones to ask from what I gathered.

flufflysylv said:
You are welcome
it has what you are looking for, you can subscribe to tags so you can not only "follow" directors but also certain tags or species or character in particular

Woah! That saves me a lot of time! Thanks! I own you a nidorina gen~ Check meh profile! ÚwÙ
