Topic: RE6AI [v.1.0.5] Feature-packed toolkit and mass downloader for e6AI [Unofficial Thread]

Posted under General

Came asking Cinder for help so I could troubleshoot and edit the script to fit e6ai but actually cinder made a fork of re621 and now it works with e6ai

๐–Ž๐–“๐–˜๐–™๐–†๐–‘๐–‘ โ€โ€Latest Version of re6AI

โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€ โ€โ€โ€ all versions require a script manager
โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€โ€[ Older versions ]



re6ai is a fork of re621 which can enable features to be working here
If no one knows what re621 is
Here's the Thread:
Has tons of QOL features

If you are experiencing bugs or issues, do not hesitate to create a support ticket on github

If you would like to support the project monetarily, feel free to buy devs a coffee.


Visit the project website for a full feature overview.

Reminder that i'm not the one developing, it's Cinder
But you are welcome to ask questions


Version 1.0.5

Full Changelog.


I was hoping this extention would add a hotkey for confirming the editing of tags under a post ("Submit") but it doesn't, which is a shame, 'cause there's only a hotkey for opening the tag menu under a post :/

technical-grid said:
I was hoping this extention would add a hotkey for confirming the editing of tags under a post ("Submit") but it doesn't, which is a shame, 'cause there's only a hotkey for opening the tag menu under a post :/

scroll all the way down
submit form

you are welcome

I cannot seem to get my blacklist to show in the sidebar. Checking and unchecking the Blacklist tab in the settings does not seem to make a difference. Is there an obscure/tangent setting somewhere im missing that is not in the Blacklist tab?

chastitycoyote said:
I cannot seem to get my blacklist to show in the sidebar. Checking and unchecking the Blacklist tab in the settings does not seem to make a difference. Is there an obscure/tangent setting somewhere im missing that is not in the Blacklist tab?

not sure why this is happening
there was a update on re621 with blacklist stuff but it got implemented already so i'm not quite sure what's that about
i dont use blacklist but on the posts page it just doesnt show up as you stated
going in a post alone it works normally and shows up to the sidebar
i recommend going to to ticket an issue, Cinder would prob take care of that in time

cinder said:
Yeah, I fixed it.
e6ai was behind e621 in releases for a while, so I forgot that there were breaking changes here.

omg the cinder is real hihi

Heres an interesting twist, and it has nothing to do with the script really, but how I configured it that sometimes breaks it.

Here on 6AI its not mandatory to have a director tag. even if anon/unknown as the director that fills that tag.

Anyway, like on e621 with the father script, i like to keep the download simple,


I get the artist as a folder, then the artist name and post ID for the file inside the folder - if i save/download another piece from the artist it just uses that folder and adds to it.

Using the same setting:


Works with the director tag the same as the artist tag on 6AI, unless there is none, then I just get a perpetual spinner on the page download button.

Most of the time this is not an issue, but it sometimes crops up.

In the end, its IMHO not the script but that 6AI does not require the director tag to be filled with something at least, either unknown or anon that makes my KISS (keep it simple, stupid) file management not work.

New update has come out
Click on the Latest version on the first post to get your script updated and it should be all working now

There's an error in the code where it only shows page 1 of anything you look up despite there being multiple pages that should pop up
why has nobody brought this to attention let alone fix the code?

it's already been fixed on e621 can we get it fixed on e6ai too.

choombah said:
There's an error in the code where it only shows page 1 of anything you look up despite there being multiple pages that should pop up
why has nobody brought this to attention let alone fix the code?

it's already been fixed on e621 can we get it fixed on e6ai too.

I haven't noticed anything of this sort but I'll take a look at the code just to be sure.

angry_puppy said:
I haven't noticed anything of this sort but I'll take a look at the code just to be sure.

Can also confirm this, This issue breaks the addon for me as well, and have to toggle it off to even be able to view further pages.
Btw, are you the dev of this addon? I though Cinder was the owner/dev of it

technical-grid said:
Btw, are you the dev of this addon? I though Cinder was the owner/dev of it

you are correct on the second part but angry puppy is self told to be a dev so any help to be landed is still help
would be great if AP would manage the re6ai while cinder takes care of re621

technical-grid said:
Can also confirm this, This issue breaks the addon for me as well, and have to toggle it off to even be able to view further pages.
Btw, are you the dev of this addon? I though Cinder was the owner/dev of it

No, not a dev in regards to this matter. However, I do dapple in source coding and have been looking into this. We will implement a patch as soon as cinder becomes available.

flowersylveon said:
you are correct on the second part but angry puppy is self told to be a dev so any help to be landed is still help
would be great if AP would manage the re6ai while cinder takes care of re621

That's a good thought. If given approval, I'd be happy to help in this regards.