Topic: [Feature] Subscribe to "directors" or keep a favorites-list for custom feed

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

This is something I've always been missing on e621 as well.

Why can't we get a custom feed from favorite artists/directors?

As far as I'm aware, the only way to do this is searching for "~tom_fischbach ~lockworkorange ~ruaidri ~chunie .....".
The biggest problem with this is that you can only get so many artists into the search string before it's too long.
So, you'd have to subdivide and manage multiple lists of artists, copy and paste the strings into the search and hardly be able to search for any additional tags inside those "pools".

If I see a "director" has similar taste as I do, I want to see more of their posts.
With all the great functionality of the database system, this seems like a rather basic thing to have.
Please don't tell me there has been a feature for it all along and I just haven't found it...


By the way, I wouldn't track and display the subscriber count openly or it will just turn into another penis size contest - just for personalized feeds, that's the idea, like private/public "artist sets".

You could always put in a custom search that is a list of the directors you want to see. Just use the ~ sign to show that you want to see either.

This search for example will show posts from the following three directors:

~jelloponies ~denatural ~hydra_(director)

Funny you mentioned it, I made a forum the other day talking about this same topic. I occasionally do bug/scripting/coding check-ups here on E6AI and I've been working on this script/code that would possibly work as a "Follower" system that would better help keep track and manage seeing particular people's creations on here. Pretty similar to how you would see favorites and uploads on your profile.

angry_puppy said:
Funny you mentioned it, I made a forum the other day talking about this same topic. [...]

I know. That's why I posted in it, to link to this one year old topic. Would be a nice feature to have.