directed by blubtf
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Sir Tiberius had always been fascinated by the stories of the ancient ruins that lay hidden deep within the heart of the desert. He had heard rumors of treasure beyond his wildest dreams waiting inside those very walls. It was with this thought in mind that he set out on his journey into the unknown.

The sun beat down upon his fur as he trudged through the scorching heat, his paws sinking deeply into the sand. The only sound was the rhythmic beating of his heart, until finally, he came to the entrance of the dungeon.
It was clear that no one had entered or exited the structure in years, as the door was rusted shut and covered in cobwebs. But Sir Tiberius didn't let that stop him. With a mighty roar, he charged towards the doors, knocking them clean off their hinges and scattering spiders in every direction.

Inside, the air was musty and stale, but the light from his torch illuminated the dust-covered corridor before him. As he made his way deeper into the bowels of the earth, the sounds of civilization faded away, replaced by the echoes of his footsteps and the occasional creak of old stone.
And then, just when he thought he had reached the end of his quest, he found himself face to face with a locked door. This time, however, there was no key to be found, only a small inscription etched into the metal: "Enter at your own peril."
With a growl of frustration, Sir Tiberius threw himself against the barrier, his body weight shaking the entire structure. The door shattered open into a thousand splinters and he was in!

He took a moment to catch his breath, surveying the room around him. It was a simple chamber, devoid of any signs of life. It appeared at some point this room might have been an Alchemical lab of some sort?

Sir Tiberius couldn't help but feel uneasy as he stepped further into the room. The air was thick with a strange, otherworldly substance that seemed to swirl around him like a fog. And then, without warning, he felt something shift within his body. At first, he simply assumed it was a trick of the light, but as the sensation persisted, he began to realize what was happening.
His tail twitched nervously as he fought back the urge to break into a run, knowing full well that such a feat would be impossible given the confines of his prison. Instead, he remained still, trying to make sense of the situation.

As he watched, the red mist slowly began to dissipate, revealing a series of intricate symbols carved into the wall. They glowed softly, casting an eerie blue light across the space. Sir Tiberius approached tentatively, his nose twitching as he tried to make sense of the language.
But as he read on, he realized that these were not mere markings - they were a spellbook, a grimoire of magic long forgotten. And as he delved deeper into its pages, he discovered secrets beyond his wildest imagining. Secrets that could change the course of history forever...

Sir Tiberius couldn't believe his eyes. For weeks, he had been trapped within the dungeon, cut off from the world outside. And now, suddenly, he was changing. His once muscular form was dwindling away, his bones melting into nothingness. In its place grew curves where once there were angles, and a newfound softness to his movements.

At first, he struggled to come to terms with this transformation. He refused to accept that he was anything but a man, despite the evidence before his eyes. But as the days passed, The way his fur slowly shed of his legs revealing odd scaled skin as he moved, the way his voice cracked and broke like a young pup's.

As Sir Tiberius came to terms with his new reality, he found himself changing yet again. His lower body, stretching out until they became a serpentine tail. His torso expanded, bloating until it was little more than a pair of massive breasts. And as he looked down at himself, he saw that he was no longer a wolf - but rather, a creature unlike any other...
A being made of flesh and scales, with a tail that wriggled and squirmed beneath her She stared at herself in the mirror, wondering if she recognized the face that gazed back at her. It was familiar, somehow, but different - transformed by the very magic that had imprisoned her all

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