No self-respecting noble's menagerie is complete without a big feathery fuckbeast. Exotic companion raptors often grace the wealthier manors, although being perpetually full of cum, they can be messy to keep around.
And for everyone else, raptors can be found as trained courier beasts running about - many of which won't hesitate to hike their tail if you want to offer thanks.
The cape stays on, during.
MemberI love the giant fluffy tail!
MemberCompanion raptor... Outta curiosity, have you played rimworld terra raptor? I could have sworn big beautiful plumage covered companion raptors were a thing, though maybe that's lightning landing twice. Yours seem a lot friendlier regardless!
MemberOh yeah I remember that. That's from that one dino mod though, forget the name... but yeah in the mod's dino's flavor text it's described the same way.
It was Pedigreed Raptor from Alpha Animals mod. These raptors were bred to be the exotic companions for humans to the point they lost their hunting instincts and rely on their human owners to get food.
I do enjoy your pictures and you're one of the few people who put a lot of effort into AI stuff so the characters look fine overall and presents pairings that are quite rare in the furry fandom thanks to it.
The universe you present in these pictures is quite enticing and intriguing. I wonder if women have as much fun as men in that kingdom. I wouldn't mind having such fluffy raptor companion haha
Member"raptors can be found as trained courier beasts"
So FEDEX with extra steps. Noted
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