Series: [Druge] Familial Love: Family Magic


Spring is difficult for everyone, but it seemed to effect Twilight the most when ever she was in the same place as her brother. After all how could anyone not be attracted to Shining? He was hansom, charming, was captain of guards, and was now married to the princess of love itself. However this spring felt different than most.

Twilight had returned to her family's home for a small get together and to spend the night when it happened. Shining had returned home as well unexpected, and alone. Twilight could feel her insides churn and throb with lust with for the man standing in front of her, the same man who she gave herself to just after coming of age. But before she could make any kind of move her attention was brought back to her mother who and just walked back into the room and announced that they would be going to dinner that night and both of them were welcome to stay the night.

Dinner was an awkward affair between the two siblings, and as the night went on it only grew more awkward. Time seemed to pass so slow between the two that one would think that time ceased to exist, but as the night slow moved on the two slowly moved closer to each other.

As the night came to the end and everyone retired to their rooms Twilight finally let her lust take over for her. As she followed Shining to his old room, she cast a spell to suppress all noise leaving it and wrapped her arms around Shining and placed her most passionate kiss upon his lips.

Slowly but surely the two of them undressed just like that time on Twilight's birthday and planned to recreate that "magic" that the two of them made on that fateful day. But twilight wanted more than just for her brother to violate her rear. She want him to fully make her a women.

AI generator is locally ran Stable Diffusion Web-ui, automatic1111.
Model: awpmixXL_v10
GPU: RTX 4070

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