Topic: [Feature] Change the 'prompt' tag to a meta tag

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests



Requested feature overview description.
Change the 'prompt' tag to a meta tag

Why would it be useful?
This is more adherent to the TWYS rule as 'general' tags apply strictly to what is in the artwork itself. As the addition of prompt details in the description section of the artwork is physically separate from the artwork itself, a meta tag is more appropriate and consistent with the site rules.

Rules as per:

Tags that describe facts about the image itself, rather than what's in it, are placed in the meta category.
These special tags are used to alter information about a post, but not change their tags.

While these details may be pulled from EXIF data if they're present, there's arguably a convenience factor if they're visible in the description as opposed to having to download, then check.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
The tag category that 'prompt' falls into, as as well as every page that the tag appears in (15 as of this post).

In lieu of my previous feature request, I've created the 'prompt' tag and inserted it into all the posts I've stumbled upon with the relevant details as I've browsed. Hope the community finds it relevant and helpful.

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