So despite BUR #57 at topic #333 being approved ("active"),
when i whipped out part2 of BUR ... it was blocked because for whatever reason the previous aliases and implications didn't get undone.
wiki for ♣ still says : "following tags are aliased to this tag: club_(suit), club_suit, clubs_(suit), clubs_suit "
wiki for ♦ still says: "following tags are aliased to this tag: <>, diamond_(suit), diamond_suit, diamond_symbol, diamonds_(suit), diamonds_suit "
wiki for ♠ still says: "following tags are aliased to this tag: spade_(suit), spade_suit, spades_(suit), spades_suit "
Tag Implication: ♣ -> suit_symbol : implication #9196
Tag Implication: ♦ -> suit_symbol : implication #9195
Tag Implication: ♠ -> suit_symbol : implication #9197
(All 3 "Status: active")
Does an admin (or admins) have to go to each alias-or-implication page and manually reject them individually???