Topic: [APPROVED] Nintendo Implication BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #45 is active.

create implication animal_crossing (273) -> nintendo (10534)
create implication donkey_kong_(series) (19) -> nintendo (10534)
create implication dragalia_lost (3) -> nintendo (10534)
create implication mario_bros (14) -> nintendo (10534)
create implication metroid (24) -> nintendo (10534)
create implication the_legend_of_zelda (208) -> nintendo (10534)
create alias pokémon (17) -> pokemon (8950)
create implication pokemon (8950) -> nintendo (10534)
create implication star_fox (993) -> nintendo (10534)

Reason: Anything that is missing here please suggest

EDIT: The bulk update request #45 (forum #1099) has been approved by @Dasadevil.

Updated by auto moderator

auto_moderator said:
The bulk update request #45 (forum #1099) has been approved by @Dasadevil.

As I've only found out about this after it got approved, I would like to formally request to revert the nintendo BUR, as fundamentally, Nintendo is a company, and not a franchise.

Copyrights, company names, which character is owned by who, doesn't have its place on e6ai. The copyright category first got removed for a reason when e6ai was created, and it was to wipe clean all implication to any copyright tags which would imply that AI art was subject to the same copyright laws as non-generative art.

AI art in most countries is not protected by ownership claims not is it recognized of intellectual property values, so putting copyright tags on generative media is both silly and has potential legal issues for the directors that uploads content here. Tagging copyrights has no meaningful value here, nor is it useful for AI training datasets, and it's certainly not useful for narrowing down content that we're searching for. Unless someone wants to discuss a valid reason why a company name tag should be automatically added to any character it belongs to, instead of only providing "Reason: Anything that is missing here please suggest" with no context as to why there should be such an implication, then it should be reverted back.

If users want to tag them manually on their on posts, they are free to do so. But forcing directors to upload here to have copyright tags on their AI-generated art is not okay. Nintendo does not own my ai-genned characters. I do not own my ai-genned characters. Nobody does.

The bulk update request #79 has been rejected.

remove implication animal_crossing (273) -> nintendo (10534)
remove implication donkey_kong_(series) (19) -> nintendo (10534)
remove implication dragalia_lost (3) -> nintendo (10534)
remove implication mario_bros (14) -> nintendo (10534)
remove implication metroid (24) -> nintendo (10534)
remove implication the_legend_of_zelda (208) -> nintendo (10534)
remove implication pokemon (8950) -> nintendo (10534)
remove implication star_fox (993) -> nintendo (10534)

Reason: Nintendo is fundamentally a company (a copyright), and not a franchise.

Copyrights, company names, which character is owned by who, doesn't have its place on e6ai. The copyright category first got removed for a reason when e6ai was created, and it was to wipe clean all implication to any copyright tags which would imply that AI art was subject to the same copyright laws as non-generative art, which it isn't.

AI art in most countries is not protected by ownership claims not is it recognized of intellectual property values, so putting copyright tags on generative media is both silly and has potential legal issues for the directors that uploads content here.

Furthermore, tagging copyrights and company names has no meaningful value here, nor is it useful for AI training datasets, and it's certainly not useful for narrowing down content that we're searching for.

If users want to tag tags such as "nintendo" on their own posts manually, they are free to do so. But forcing directors that upload content here to have copyright tags on their AI-generated art is not okay. Nintendo does not have any kind of claim on any of the characters posted here, simply because AI art doesn't retain any proprietary values.

EDIT: The bulk update request #79 (forum #1604) has been rejected by @Jelloponies.

Updated by auto moderator

scout said:
Furthermore, tagging copyrights and company names has no meaningful value here

tags are for searching

busahou said:
tags are for searching

You're missing the point. If I wanna search for any pokemon content, I'm gonna search for pokemon. Not nintendo.

A company name is much too broad for narrowing down a search query when I already know a more specific tag I could search content for. If there's a use for you, good for you, I'm not stopping you from ever using the nintendo for tagging and searching if you wish.

My point is, I do not want copyright tags to be automatically added to all of my posts here simply because I'm being forced by the implication chain, especially since it can have negative legal repercussion to ever try to legitimize AI art as "copyrightable" under my own country's set of laws...

What's your reason to force ai directors to have their AI gens branded by meaningless copyright tags on their own content against their will?

scout said:
You're missing the point. If I wanna search for any pokemon content, I'm gonna search for pokemon. Not nintendo.

From the wiki

Nintendo (任天堂 Nintendō / 任天堂株式会社 Nintendō Kabushiki gaisha), is a Japanese video game company that produces games for many franchises. Along with a long line of it's own gaming hardware; such as their own game consoles.

Note that it's rarely necessary to tag Nintendo unless something hasn't been implicated yet.

you are just focusing on yourself at this point, what if people wanna see stuff from nintendo
you are putting a lot of "I" and not "Others"

Can't we just change the tag category of nintendo to general?
Since I agree that it is not a franchise, but a company, but on the other hand removing usefull tags entirely is dumb
It's not like nintendo will send their ninjas after you just because the tag is being automatically added to your post when you have nintendo characters in it

technical-grid said:
Can't we just change the tag category of nintendo to general?
Since I agree that it is not a franchise, but a company, but on the other hand removing usefull tags entirely is dumb
It's not like nintendo will send their ninjas after you just because the tag is being automatically added to your post when you have nintendo characters in it

I'm not asking to remove the nintendo tag. Simply removing the implication. Because I provided a clear reason why any director would want to not have 'ownership claims' on their posts because of potential repercussions.

e6ai differs in many ways from e621: one of which is the lack of alternative AI-friend websites to host their content. E6ai is for some directors the best place to host and share their AI content without size/filesize/prohibited content restrictions. Therefore, it's the primary source of their post instead of having it linked from another website and "reposted" on that booru like e621. So if that content gets taken down for any legal reason in the future, then it may be lost forever.

I would also be in favor for changing nintendo's tag type to general as well though. To me, it just feels like people want to port out the old e621 system back on here rather than add useful tags to use to search for... Tag what you see; there should be no 'nintendo' tag unless there's an actual nintendo console shown in the image. The more focused "franchise" category is much more appropriate than "copyright" in my opinion.

flowersylveon said:

From the wiki

Nintendo (任天堂 Nintendō / 任天堂株式会社 Nintendō Kabushiki gaisha), is a Japanese video game company that produces games for many franchises. Along with a long line of it's own gaming hardware; such as their own game consoles.

Note that it's rarely necessary to tag Nintendo unless something hasn't been implicated yet.

you are just focusing on yourself at this point, what if people wanna see stuff from nintendo
you are putting a lot of "I" and not "Others"

By people, you mean any user?

Type in search bar: nintendo. That's it. removing the implication doesn't prevent anyone from tagging nintendo in their posts...

Why not create an even broader category then? video_game maybe? movie? rule34? Why is it so important that it has to be any character from nintendo alone? Which has like what, over 40 different consoles already? Why not tag nintendo_wii, nintendo_gamecube, etc? I don't see how it's useful for any tag that is too broad... How far do you want to be generic with your tags?



auto_moderator said:
The bulk update request #79 (forum #1604) has been rejected by @Jelloponies.

Okay... Why? What's the reason why this was refused exactly?

And what's the reason for wanting to force copyright tags on every user upload when it doesn't respect the " tag what you see" policy and it is not useful for searching?

And why is the nintendo tag so much more important than any of the other company tags out there and studios making video games and not having forced implications copyrights on them??

This doesn't make any sense... topic #397 was created to discuss the use of copyright tags on uploads, and while I brought several reasons why we shouldn't repeat what we have on e621, no one bothered defending the use of forced copyright tags or provided a valid reason for them. So therefore, the BUR should be reverted back until someone provide a good reason for using them again.

Nintendo is over 10k and is already close to being the most used "franchise" tag already because it is so broad it includes most rule34 characters already. Nobody wants to use a tag to filter 10k's worth of submissions when there's already more specific actual franchise tags they can use...
