fire manipulation
Images including characters manipulating fire through magical, supernatural, or otherwise unusual means.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: agnikinesis, agnikinetic, blaze_control, blaze_manip, blaze_manipulation, fire_bend, fire_bending, fire_control, fire_element_control, fire_magic, fire_manip, fire_release, firebend, firebending, flame_control, flame_magic, flame_manip, flame_manipulation, flaming_magic, ignikinesis, ignikinetic, katon, magic_fire, magic_flame, phlegokinesis, phlegokinetic, pyro_kinesis, pyro_kinetic, pyro_magic, pyro_manip, pyro_manipulation, pyrokinesis, pyrokinetic, pyromancer, pyromancing, pyromancy (learn more).
This tag implicates elemental_manipulation, fire (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: fire_breathing (learn more).
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