Furrification is the depiction of things (such as characters, objects, and concepts) with no animal traits in their original forms portrayed as anthros.
It is similar in concept to personification, but skewed towards bestial anthropomorphism.
These include
Real people (Barack Obama, Bill Nye, etc.)
Fictional characters (The Doctor, Link, etc.)
Anything with no animal traits
Non-animal humanoids (elves, goblins, trolls, etc.)
Non-animal living things (bacteria, fungi, trees, etc.)
Non-animal constructs (digital creatures, golems, robots, etc.)
Non-animal animate inanimates (living_costumes, living dolls, etc.)
Non-animal inanimate objects (appliances, furniture, toys, etc.)
Non-animal, non-humanoid mythological creatures
Concepts (nature, countries, Death, etc.)
These do not include
Anything with animal traits
Animal humanoids
Animalistic constructs (bull golems, animal-like Digimon, robot dogs, etc.)
Animalistic animate inanimates
Animalistic inanimate objects (chairs with cat ears, rubber ducks, teddy bears, etc.)
Animalistic mythological creatures (Cerberus, dragons, unicorns, etc.)
Not to be confused with
anthrofied - Anything with animal traits depicted as anthros or anthros depicted as even more anthro compared to their original forms.
feralized - Non-feral characters depicted as straight up animals (ferals).
fursuit - Non-anthros wearing anthro costumes.
transformation - Characters transformed from their original forms into anthros.
human to anthro
humanoid to anthro
humanoidized - Characters depicted with minimal animal traits.
inanimate to anthro
taur to anthro
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