anal tugging

A tag supposed to depict the anus stretching backwards, i.e. being pulled back due to tightness. Usually this is accomplished via a penis or a penetrating sex toy with or without a knot, but tentacles and anal fingering/anal fisting is fair game.

Note that this is a new tag and may require future revisions.

Note that puffy anus does not automatically make anal tugging applicable, however it is often seen in combination. The difference between an anus pulled back and not is often apparent thickness of the sphincter itself and tapering towards penis or sex toy as skin is pulled back (see examples above).

Note that this is most likely not to be tagged for posts where obvious anal prolapse can be seen, i.e. this could possibly be seen only as "anal prolapse light" as only the sphincter is actually visible (usually only the outer part) and not the rectal wall of the intestines.

See also

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