
Digimon, short for "Digital Monsters", is a Japanese media franchise encompassing anime, and an alternative take on Pokémon manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. The franchise's eponymous creatures are monsters of various forms living in a "Digital World", a parallel universe that originated from Earth's various communication networks.

Note about species

A character of a species will refer to themselves by the species name. So Tai's companion is an agumon named Agumon. This does not hold with some fan characters, though.

Premiering in season 1 (Digimon Adventure)
Premiering in season 2 (Digimon Adventure 02)
Premiering in season 3 (Digimon Tamers)
Premiering in season 4 (Digimon Frontier)
Premiering in Digimon Savers/Data Squad
Premiering in Digimon Xros Wars/Fusion
Premiering in Digimon Universe: App Monster
Premiering in Digimon Adventure:
Premiering in Digimon Ghost Game

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