Franchise: ratchet and clank
Ratchet & Clank is a series of platform video games. The franchise was created and developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for many different PlayStation consoles, such as PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 with the exclusion of Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank, which were developed by High Impact Games for the PlayStation Portable. Every game in the series has only been released for Sony platforms, as the IP is owned by Sony Interactive Entertainment. An animated feature film adaptation produced by Rainmaker Entertainment and Blockade Entertainment was theatrically released on April 29, 2016.
The games take place in a science fiction setting and follow the adventures of Ratchet (a feline-like character known as a Lombax, who is a mechanic) and Clank (a diminutive, sentient robot) as they travel through the universe, saving it from evil forces on a regular basis. The series is noted for its inclusion of many exotic, unique and over-the-top weapons and gadgets, a concept that Insomniac Games has also expanded into their other games.