Franchise: pokemon mystery dungeon
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon is a spin-off of the Pokémon games created by Spike Chunsoft, featuring a world in which humans do not and cannot exist, though it is connected via undefined means to the human world.
The games feature two major characters that can be selected at the game's start (although the earlier games required a bit of luck on the questionnaire to get the ones you want) and form the core of a team to explore dungeons and help out other Pokémon.
Typically, the easiest way to recognize if a Pokémon image is specifically Pokémon Mystery Dungeon is to look for the accessories the Pokémon are wearing: Mystery dungeon games feature scarves, ribbons, bandanas, and badges on Pokémon who form a team, though in lieu of those accessories, some locations also suggest that it is in the Mystery Dungeon universe.
Mystery Dungeon Characters
Exclusive to or introduced in Rescue Team
Exclusive to or introduced in Explorers
- bidoof_(eotds)
- chatot_(eotds)
- loudred_(eotds)
- sunflora_(eotds)
- dusknoir_(eotds)
- grovyle_the_thief
- guildmaster_wigglytuff
- primal_dialga
- shiny_celebi_(eotds)
- team_awd
- team_charm
- team_razor_wind
- team_skull_(eotds)
Exclusive to or introduced in Gates
- box_buster_rampardos
- gift_shop_cinccino
- voice_of_life
- box_buster_rampardos
- gift_shop_cinccino
- voice_of_life
Exclusive to or introduced in Super
- aerial_explorer_archen
- archaeologist_mawile
- astronomer_jirachi
- communications_officer_dedenne
- dashing_wanderer_ampharos
- deerling_(psmd)
- espurr_(psmd)
- goomy_(psmd)
- marine_explorer_buizel
- mew_(psmd)
- mr._nuzleaf
- nurse_audino
- pancham_(psmd)
- pops_carracosta
- shelmet_(psmd)
- steward_swirlix
- tree_of_life_(psmd)
- vice_principal_watchog
Mystery Dungeon Locations
See also
- video_games
- nintendo
- Mystery Dungeon series
- pokémon_mystery_dungeon
- shiren_the_wanderer