Franchise: animal crossing
Animal Crossing, also known as Doubutsu no Mori (Animal Forest) in Japan, is a series of life/social simulation games developed and published by Nintendo in which the player as a human lives in a village inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. These games contain open-ended gameplay and rely on internal clocks and calendars to simulate and track actual passage of time, having things such as holidays, special events, birthdays and the like taking place.
The series contains many characters, most of which are the neighboring animals (totaling 300+ characters since the latest main installment, New Horizons). There are also major characters who often have unique species attributed to them, such as moles.
Special Characters
- Blanca
- Blathers
- Booker
- Brewster
- Celeste
- Chip
- C.J.
- Copper
- Crazy Redd
- Cyrus
- Daisy Mae
- Digby
- Don Resetti
- Flick
- Gracie
- Gulliver
- Gyroid
- Harriet
- Harvey
- Isabelle
- Jack
- Jingle
- Joan
- K.K. Slider
- Kaitlin
- Kapp'n
- Katie
- Katrina
- Kicks
- Labelle Able
- Leif
- Lottie
- Luna
- Lyle
- Mabel Able
- Mr. Resetti
- Nat
- Orville
- Pascal
- Pavé
- Pelly
- Pete
- Phineas
- Phyllis
- Porter
- Reese
- Rover
- Sable Able
- Saharah
- Serena
- Timmy Nook
- Tom Nook
- Tommy Nook
- Tortimer
- Wilbur
- Wisp
- Zipper T. Bunny
Villagers (All 480)
Species A-E
Bear cubs
- Aisle
- Barold
- Bluebear
- Cheri
- Chester
- Cupcake
- Judy
- June
- Kody
- Maple
- Marty
- Murphy
- Olive
- Pekoe
- Poko
- Poncho
- Pudge
- Stitches
- Tammy
- Vladimir
Birds (passerine)
- Ace
- Admiral
- Anchovy
- Flash
- Jacob
- Jacques
- Jay
- Jitters
- Joe
- Lucha
- Madam Rosa
- Medli
- Midge
- Otis
- Peck
- Piper
- Robin
- Shoukichi
- Sparro
- Twiggy
- Twirp
- Ankha
- Bob
- Felicity
- Felyne
- Kabuki
- Katt
- Kid Cat
- Kiki
- Kitty
- Lolly
- Meow
- Merry
- Mitzi
- Moe
- Monique
- Olivia
- Pierre
- Punchy
- Purrl
- Raymond
- Rosie
- Rudy
- Stinky
- Tabby
- Tangy
- Tom
(NB: Most of the male villagers in this section are not taxonomically deer, despite the games listing them as deer.)
- Bea
- Benjamin
- Biskit
- Bones
- Bow
- Butch
- Cherry
- Cookie
- Daisy
- Frett
- Goldie
- Lucky
- Mac
- Maddie
- Marcel
- Masa
- Megumi
- Portia
- Shep
- Walker
- Bill
- Deena
- Derwin
- Drake
- Freckles
- Fruity
- Gloria
- Joey
- Ketchup
- Maelle
- Mallary
- Miranda
- Molly
- Pate
- Pompom
- Quillson
- Scoot
- Shinabiru
- Weber
Species F-J
Species K-O
(NB: Currently, all the lion villagers in the games are male.)
- Anicotti
- Bella
- Bettina
- Bree
- Broccolo
- Candi
- Carmen (mouse)
- Chadder
- Chico
- Dora
- Flossie
- Greta
- Limberg
- Moose
- Penelope
- Penny
- Petri
- Rizzo
- Rod
- Samson
(NB: although all villagers in this section are labeled as ostriches by the games, many of them are taxonomically not ostriches, but instead, different birds. (e.g. Cranston is a crane, Flora is a flamingo))
Species P-T
- Agnes
- Boris
- Chops
- Cobb
- Curly
- Gala
- Ganon
- Hambo
- Hugh
- Kevin
- Lucy
- Maggie
- Pancetti
- Peggy
- Pigleg
- Rasher
- Spork
- Sue E.
- Truffles
- Bonbon
- Bunnie
- Carmen
- Chrissy
- Claude
- Coco
- Cole
- Doc
- Dotty
- Francine
- Gabi
- Gaston
- Genji
- Hopkins
- Mira
- O'Hare
- Pippy
- Ruby
- Sasha
- Snake
- Tiffany
- Toby
(NB: some of the villagers in this section resemble other rodent species, but the games list them all as squirrels.)
- Agent S
- Blaire
- Cally
- Caroline
- Cece
- Filbert
- Hazel
- Ione
- Kit
- Marshal
- Mint
- Nibbles
- Peanut
- Pecan
- Poppy
- Ricky
- Sally
- Sheldon
- Static
- Sylvana
- Tasha
- Viché
Text container tagging guidelines
- Animal Crossing styled text containers should be treated as a text box by default unless there are traits more common to a speech bubble (such as a tail) present.
- Options associated with a text box should be tagged as text box prompt.
- The colored region in the top-left containing the name of the character should be tagged as both header and header box.
- Text within Animal Crossing text containers will nearly always be dialogue, and should be tagged as such.
- Common text traits include highlighted text regions, and addressing characters by name. Keep in mind that a term such as "mayor" is an occupation, not a name.
See also
This tag implicates nintendo (learn more).
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