e6ai:report post (locked)

How to report a post (Abuse of this system will lead to disciplinary action)

1. Click "Report" on a post page.
2. Select the appropriate reason from the list.
3. Add any relevant or important information into the additional information field.
   A good idea would be to add what kind of tag is erroneously being added, or why you believe the file is malicious.
4. Press the Submit Complaint button.
5. The post then gets sent to the ticket center, where the moderation team will be able to review and deal with your ticket.

Reporting Reasons

Rating abuse: The rating of the submission has been set to something incorrect.

Malicious File: The file contains either malicious code or contains a hidden file archive. This is not for imagery depicted in the image itself.

Malicious Source: One or more of the listed sources link to malicious pages or pay content.

Description Abuse: The description contains malicious content, or has been edited to contain abusive material.

Note Abuse: The notes on this post are wrong, harassive, or otherwise abusive.

Tagging Abuse: One or more tags on this post aren't valid or one or more valid tags have been removed from this post.