Character: kara sique (nettele)

Kara Henriette de Sique (or just Kara Sique) is a 27-year-old Virginia opossum from Saint-Denis, Reunion. She grew up in the noble family of a city planner and a famous Parisian artist, who emigrated from the metropolis even before her birth.

Despite the efforts of her parents, Kara never received an education or got a job, so she lives in her parents’ luxurious mansion on their full support. Her mother tried to teach her to draw, but Kara's passion is writing and drawing using AI. In addition, she is trying to mine cryptocurrency and play on the crypto exchange.

Kara does not like company and despite her confident and cocky appearance, she is very closed and introverted. Instead of interacting with people, she likes to walk for hours in a private fenced park.


The character's name is a reference to the meme 'Karasik' (literally 'small crucian carp'), popular on anonymous imageboards in the CIS in the late 2000s and early 2010s. The word 'Karasik' has been suggested as a name for characters or pets, and has also been used as a meaningless word for shitposting.

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