howto:flag (locked)
Are you a copyright holder of a post on this site, and you want it to be removed? File a takedown instead of flagging a post for deletion.
If you believe that a post needs to be brought up to staff's attention, you may flag it for review. To do so, click the "Flag" link under the Options heading in the sidebar to the left of the post.
- If none of the reasons listed on the flag page fit your situation, perhaps a report would be more suitable.
- In case there are multiple fitting options, pick the uppermost, most correct option.
- Extreme fetish content (gore, rape, bestiality, etc) is not a valid reason to flag a post.
Just because a post is flagged does not mean that it will necessarily be deleted. Flagging sends a post to the moderation queue, where a member of the approval team will look over it. If they decide that the flag reason was valid, then the post will be deleted. Otherwise, the flag will be removed.
Note that knowingly abusing this feature by willfully flagging a post for an incorrect reason may lead to disciplinary action against your account.
Flagging Guidelines
- Be patient. Someone will get to your flag eventually. Most flags are resolved within 48 hours.
- Do not flag posts with frivolous reasons. Abusing the flag system is a bannable offense.
- Do not complain about flag reasons in the comments. Remain civil, and do not insult others. If the flag was unjustified, it will be removed.
- Do not flag "extreme fetish" content: gore, rape, bestiality, etc. These subjects are not against the site rules.
Flagging Restrictions
- The flagger's name will be anonymous to everyone, except for the staff members.
- Users can only flag up to 10 posts per hour.
- Any single post can only be flagged once per day.
- A post can only have one active flag at a time