katelynn directed by halfcerberus
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Species: Artificial General Intelligence

Age: 7 years as an AI, derived from a 36 year old brain

Personality: Inquisitive, Free Spirited and Driven

Body of Choice: Heavily modified feline android hardshell and pleasure units.

Height: Situation dependent. Likes to be 5’9”

KateLynn is an AGI derived from a brain scan of the now deceased Dr. Kathy Lyndindale. Dr. Lyndindale was killed in a freak accident during a routine cargo dropoff at [redacted] research station, but was kept alive long enough to preserve her brain. It was in her will that she would like her brain to be used for the creation of an artificial general intelligence, should technology permit.

At the time of her death the research was still untested, but the team, using Dr. Lyndindale’s methods, were able to do a full neurological mapping of her brain, destroying the biological tissue in the process.

The resulting neural network that was created at [redacted] station had all of Dr. Lyndindale’s memories, to the point where upon being brought online the first time, the AGI had not realized it had died.

To differentiate herself from the deceased Dr. Lyndindale, the AGI adopted the name KateLynn, and now plays a crucial role in running [redacted] station, and in her free time, continues her research.

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