We have updated our quality standards found under our uploading guidelines.
This was done mostly because modern AI generations are of much better quality now than they have been in the past, and we would like for this archive to focus on displaying the best work, not just any and all work. Please take a moment to review the guidelines before uploading going forward now. Older submissions will be exempt for this at this point in time, but keep in mind in the far future we might clean those up as quality continues to improve.
Handsome Jack
MemberIf you like the texture of her tongue, just wait until she starts purring
MemberThis is magnificent!
MemberI'm aware that this is not real world, but technically...
Big cats can't purr. Only small cat species and puma ("mountain lion") can.
Handsome Jack
MemberWell, technically they can. Big cats like lions and tigers can also purr, but they only purr on the exhale, not on the inhale and exhale like domestic cats. Because of this, their purrs are more intermittent, and the sound is not continuous. But technically they can purr, and they do purr often (okay, it's called "chuffs," but it works the same way as purring). Here are vids:
Fun fact - cheetahs can't purr at all. Their respiratory system is designed differently, so they can't.
MemberCheetahs can purr. https://youtu.be/V4ISmrDYrcg and literally every other video on that channel.
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