judgmental owl directed by terraraptor
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Welcome, traveler, to the feral kingdom. If you'd like to speak with the king, you'll have to convince his guards first that you're worthy.


Trying out some new workflow and art styles. Made entirely via sketch inpaint, and it shows - the overall composition turned out a little iffy IMO. Trying to augment scenes with perspective and directional lighting is a real PITA. Ah well, learned a few lessons for next time.

  • Comments
  • Guard next to the king: you know you can just turn them away.
    King: Yeah but it is more fun to see the look on their faces once they realize you girls want a minimum of 20 rounds each. Plus this raises moral in the court.
    Guard next to the king: ... I call next 20 rounds with him once she is done.

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  • I know it’s an exercise in obscene pedantry and pointlessness but I’m struck with wondering what a world entwined with uplifted/sapient animals would actually end up looking like on the more grainier lever not even related to the smut. How autonomous are the animals? There’s got to be different public access utilities for different sizes, Predators need their daily pounds of flesh, so intuitively there’s got to be a population control mandate for carnivores so they don’t overpopulate what they get from their prey? Who’s getting the short straw for their feeding time? Like what’s the rules on who’s contractually bound has to hand over the bacon. The sickly, elderly, & the condemned of chattel slaves for consumption? does zoning now have to account for who lives in any given body of water? What’s the culture this hot mess’ll generate? Only humans can make the tools or are we quickly finding our jerbs stolen by dexterous little raccoon fingers, either way ‘tool user supremacy’ must run deep over less dexterous kinds with all that leverage it grants. There’s got to be some big race(species)conflicts, there always is. Cold blood vs hot blood? Deserts and mountains were always to hostile for dense human habitation in history but now there’d be sapient animals there to administer. Heh, now that”s a porn plot for you. Some lucky apprentice paper pitcher human has to go and live out in a mountain town full of alpine beasts and drown in goat and cougar pussy.

    Fuck are there now nomadic waves composed of many tens of millions strong herds out in the steppe hinterlands who just fucking annihilate everything when they chafe against the settle peoples like it’s the fucking rumbling so long as there’s grasses to feed their March?

    Oh god the birds. So many Birds.
    Pre. Modern. Airspace. Laws.

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  • oo123 said:
    I know it’s an exercise in obscene pedantry and pointlessness but I’m struck with wondering what a world entwined with uplifted/sapient animals would actually end up looking like on the more grainier lever not even related to the smut.

    In my head things generally have some limits on the total number of sentient species. That number may not necessarily be defined, but not every animal is sentient. So there ends up being some kind of loosely defined rules on what's allowable and what isn't, though it probably boils down to "is its body size within reason for a human to fuck?"

    So fish are too small and buffalo are too big.

    (This is actually why the Fraerlings in Wandering Inn are the least believable race).

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