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The Sixth of Snektember, 2023

I have no words to describe what kind of Snake she is, but we can clearly see she has absolutely beautiful detailed scales covering her well-defined muscular body. I guess a fitting name for her kind would The Orange Fire Snitty or perhaps The Fire Scaled Snitty, since she also has flames looking spikey scales from head to neck. She has a very friendly face with a cute snitty snout and you can feel the trust in her by looking at her blue beautiful eyes. Despite of their reputation being so fearsome due to their appearance and strong strength, in reality, they are perhaps one of the most warm welcoming and very friendly type of snitties. They would never harm any creature, and the only time you should fear them if you intend to harm them or become threat to their existence. The Orange Fire Snitties, or in other words, Fire Scaled Snitties are not afraid of the water and they are also good swimmers too; they have a seafood type of diet as they are more of Coastal inhabitant type of Snakes. [A Snitty who loves Sushi? Totally my type of girl.] They do not have to fear the sharks thanks to the nearby dolphins serving as protectors of the sea from raiders, which makes fishing possible for them. Otherwise, by size they would be disadvantaged to sharks, as they're not the tallest type of Snitties in size, but they are tall enough to squeeze your head right inbetween her enormous Snitties Titties, clearly many times larger than your head. In height, your nose will reach the tip of her nipples, thus you will need to stand on your toes to make oral contact with it. They very cuddly types! She will hug you with her muscular arms around you and resting your head on her chest, or wrap her long tail around you like a snake, and of course we cannot forget her favorite snitty cuddling tactic where she will use her thicc muscular legs to lock you in a certain body position and place her bottom on your face as she humiliatingly asserts her dominance over you.

"Yikes! The last one seems a bit too harsh." ....... '('o_o") "are you sure they're harmless, Prof?"

They are ABSolutely harmless, it's all just play, my dear boi! ;^)


According to the Poll I posted a long while ago, I have noticed that Snitties have been at the highest demand ever since, and as I promised, I am delivering more Snitties during this month. I will try to maintain my consistency as much as possible if given enough spare time.



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Stable Diffusion

Photoshop Editing:
Paint Tool SAI 2.0


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