Since we've updated our guidelines and have asked to have much higher quality uploads in general, staff and janitors have put together a visual guide full of references that should address common issues that crop up with uploads.
Please take a moment to look at this visual guide to help you with your uploads and to ensure they follow the rules. Thank you.
Memberdude has different number of toes on each foot, but otherwise a very cool looking scene!
MemberOh no, I just noticed it after you pointed it out. I did do some fixups on his beak and hands, but somehow never focused on the feet xD.
I've fixed it now, but I'll hold off on repositing as both versions are just too similar. Don't want to spam this site ;)
Memberi'm pretty sure you can ask a janitor to just replace this one.
Memberthanks for the tip. I'll try that.
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