We have updated our quality standards found under our uploading guidelines.
This was done mostly because modern AI generations are of much better quality now than they have been in the past, and we would like for this archive to focus on displaying the best work, not just any and all work. Please take a moment to review the guidelines before uploading going forward now. Older submissions will be exempt for this at this point in time, but keep in mind in the far future we might clean those up as quality continues to improve.
MemberWhat models and/or programs do you use?
MemberThe main model I use is Indigo Furry Mix XL, the version is specified in the signature, usually it's 2.0
I also use these models in my projects:
1. Midgard THL Hybrid - for inpainting eyes, liquids and shiny/polished surfaces
2. Flux Dev - for making backgrounds or text decals for selected projects (for example in my Crime and Punishment project I used Flux for making the otter's graffiti)
Programs... it's complicated. I'd say all of them :P
My main tools are A1111 and GIMP. In A1111 I use nearly all available modes, I also use mixture of upscalers and background removal plugins. Sometimes I (ab)use the Canny module of ControlNet.
As of GIMP I can't name any particular tools I'm using often, it varies between projects. Usually it's Brush and Heal Tool accompanied by a dozen of other Tools and Filters. Iirc my recent Robott project involved at least a dozen different GIMP filters.
I use Krita as well, the primary usecase is making handwritten text and crude sketches with my tablet. But I also use it for seldom colorspace adjustments (applying LUTs etc.)
If my project features something of new for me I try to leave a note in the description of an e6ai post, you could check those for insights ;)
edit: fixed few typos
MemberMuch appreciated! Thank you!
MemberThe detail to put the condom wrapper between her toes was genius! Love it
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