>Yeen girl heard there was a new guy in school.
>Well well. She better go "introduce" herself.
>When she finds (you), though, she freezes, all thoughts of violence gone.
>Instead, her face gets hot and her heart races.
>Oh shit. This guy is a cutie.
>She's struck dumb by love at first sight.
>You're busy putting your things in your locker when a large shadow looms over you.
>Slowly, you look over your shoulder, and feel yourself gulp.
>A muscular hyena girl is standing over you, looking down at you with a strange expression on her blushing face. Is she running a fever? "You the new guy?" she asks.
>Fuck. First day and you've already getting a shakedown. With a despondent sigh, you nod.
>"What's with the sigh?" the hyena girl demands. She roughly grabs your chin and inspects your face. "Someone fuckin' with you? Name em, and they're dead."
>Surprised, you tell her that she's the first person to talk to you today, and her expression flickers. "Ha, is that so?" she asks. "Lemme see your schedule."
>Wordlessly, you hand over the paper.
>The hyena girl inspects your class lineup, a smile growing on her face. "We've got all the same classes except for math. You're in Pre-Calc, eh, brainy boy?"
>Before you can answer, she wraps a large arm around your shoulders and pulls you close, mashing your face into the side of her breasts.
>"Stick with me, okay? There are some real assholes and ho-bags aroud here, and I'll keep you safe."
>...Alrighty then.
MemberThat first day is like rolling 3x 20
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