directed by eskaynine and yifftator
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Welcome to Eskaynine Workshop, our beloved Carpentress here has the skill to construct you anything from a house to a bridge. What is she you may ask? Well she is a hybrid species known as an 'Eskaynine' is technically an SK9, which is S for Serpent and K9 for Canine. In other words, she is a serpent and wolf hybrid mix.

There is also story to this species formation which occurred thousands of years in the past. An historical event when two most advanced ancient anthro civilizations clashed into a war for territorial gain. This led to a lot of mixing between the anthro species which gave birth to many new hybrid species. Unlike feral animals, anthros all carry the same type of genes that make them anthropomorphic in the first place, a "common ancestor gene"; therefore, when two different species of anthros mate, then there is a process called species hybridization, which could lead to probable outcomes on how their offsprings will turn out.

Eskaynines are especially unique hybrids, they inherited from the best traits from both sides. They have triangle wolf ears making them amazing listeners to sounds, they inherited a wolf's tongue with sharp canine teeths expect her top two fangs which are serpent fangs, they inherited snake's snout and nose, but they sense smell better than other species, some of these Eskaynines are vemonous, but not all, they also inherited a snake tail.

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