deni directed by hellapoc
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Es marzo y escuché que iba a empezar una cuarentena que íbamos a tener que estar todos en nuestras Casas sin salir, y que si queríamos salir a comprar teníamos que hacerlo con mascarilla y tomando nuestras precauciones para no contagiarnos

Eso de estar encerrados no me gusta mucho pero estar 40 días sin escuela y sin tareas se me hace lo más genial del mundo

Igual tuve que salir Me puse muy guapa pero aún así casi no hay gente en la calle y me sentí bastante ridículas viéndome tan bien vestida a las compras


It's March and I heard that a quarantine was going to start that we were all going to have to be in our homes without going out, and that if we wanted to go out shopping we had to do it with a mask and taking our precautions to not get infected.

I don't like being locked up very much, but spending 40 days without school and without homework is the coolest thing in the world.

I still had to go out. I looked very pretty but still there were almost no people on the street and I felt quite ridiculous looking so well dressed while shopping.

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