In case you all think I forgot about the angriest little goat dragon. She's still here, and she's still annoyed and pissed about everything. Giving people the look of utter disgust even when she doesn't mean to is kinda the norm. Perpetual bitch face... At this point, others are convinced she is literally incapable of smiling. The truth is, she really just doesn't know how to express herself, and may actually just be autistic...
I've definitely much further refined her design and I am absolutely overjoyed with how well she's turned out.
You are being judged. She knows what we've been doing on this site.
MemberYou have her down perfectly, IMHO.
And, i plead the fifth.
MemberBTW, and this is just a funny aside, My U Toob browsing every so often, I follow a channel called "Lighthouse Horror",
And two days before you posted this, was a story that had a man eating goat demon... 8-P
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