
"If you hear Fatboy Slim- Rockafella Shank in the night run! Bunicula is either coming to suck your blood or punch you in the balls."

🖤Prompt: White Bunny, lagomorph, vampire, vampire bunny, long faded purple overcoat and skirt, royalty, bat wings on back, black High heels, smiling, fangs showing, 2ft 16in, ((cub bunny)), ((cub)), long black hair, solo, bunny ears, bunny tail, in a modern urban city
🐊Negative: adult body, breasts, nudity
🖥️ Size: 640x768
🪜Sampler Steps: 20
🧑‍🎨CFG Scale: 7.50
👂Denoising Strength: 0.75
🧠Model: indigoFurryMix_se01Vpred
🌱Seed: -112867347
👷Worker: Hino's PC
⏳Render Time: 4.43 seconds

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