astrid directed by wolfschaser
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(Vikinger - render 2)

Astrid is the only Viking who has a talent for magic and a great destiny - to become the wife of a leader. However, she is not interested in teaching magic or politics. Her heart yearned for something far simpler yet infinitely more profound - freedom.
She found solace in the whispering winds that swept down from the snow-capped peaks, carrying with them the promise of adventure and discovery. She had no desire to become a pawn in the games of kings and chieftains, nor did she seek to wield her magic as a weapon of war.

(From director) -------------

Dear viewers, this work took a lot of effort, so I ask you to like the post. Unfortunately, the algorithms of most platforms encourage quantity and not quality, so I will be glad if you motivate me to maintain the quality bar!


You can make a FREE art request right in the comments! (Maybe this is your last chance). Soon this option might be only for premium followers. So take your chance.

My workflow consists of - 50% AI generation, 15% digital painting, and 35% photo bashing.

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