directed by cresent sun
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Generated the original image in Civitai, then upscaled locally using Img-Img in Auto1111, including manual adjustment and inpainting.
Original image before upscaling:

Final positive prompt (before manual modification):

chunie, honovy, taran fiddler, (syuro, darkgem, zackary911) ((soft shading, photorealism, realistic)), (((deer)), cervid, (hyper anus, anal prolapse)), presenting, wide hips, (((feral))), male, grasslands, (black lips, butt close up, bottom heavy, (hyper balls, dribbling cum from anus)), (panting, tongue out, tail, walking away, (looking back, eye whites, black pupils))
<lora:epi_noiseoffset2:1.2> <lora:epiCRealismHelper:2> <lora:Furtastic_Detailer:1> <lora:hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7:1> <lora:more_details:.5> <lora:saturation:1> <lora:exposure_control_v10:1>

Negative prompt:

bad-hands-5 ,easynegative ,boring_e621_v4, multiple balls, balls without penis, High contrast, (merging:1.2), merged bodies, merging bodies, artist signature, signature, text, black and white, sepia, depth of field, poorly drawn face, ugly, low quality, extra legs, extra limbs, bad limbs, bad hands, bad feet, text, extra limbs, bad eyes, multiple anus, extra heads, vertical mirroring, symmetry, mirroring, extra breasts, bwu, dfc, ubbp, updn, vagina

Steps: 60,
Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras,
CFG scale: 10,
Seed: 1029602939,
Size: 1497x2246,
Model hash: 2e9308b12d,
Model: indigoFurryMix_v110Realistic,
Denoising strength: 0.4,
Lora hashes: "epi_noiseoffset2: 3775aad8a02d, epiCRealismHelper: c5e24d9bc4b5, Furtastic_Detailer: 2e94914f676c, hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7: 66d481cf230a, more_details: 3b8aa1d351ef, saturation: 8ea00b8adf7c, exposure_control_v10: 38e9e004f311",
TI hashes: "bad-hands-5: aa7651be154c, easynegative: c74b4e810b03, boring_e621_v4: f9b806505bc2, bwu: 70e376c5cf1d, dfc: 21c6ae158a7e, ubbp: 047acf26d29c, updn: b4ae8ca1b247",
Refiner: yiffymix_v36 [6d71f31f61],
Refiner switch at: 0.5,
Version: v1.7.0

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