We have updated our quality standards found under our uploading guidelines.
This was done mostly because modern AI generations are of much better quality now than they have been in the past, and we would like for this archive to focus on displaying the best work, not just any and all work. Please take a moment to review the guidelines before uploading going forward now. Older submissions will be exempt for this at this point in time, but keep in mind in the far future we might clean those up as quality continues to improve.
MemberAnd if, on the contrary, I want to travel like this?)
MemberThis kind of delay is one I'd look forward to. :P
Memberthis is inconceivable. this is the first time ive seen an even remotely proportionally correct monitor lizard, let alone locked in a pose with a human. The skin and cloth wrinkles are correct, the leaves look amazing, the general physics /dynamics seem right, the dude has 2 legs despite the side view, both boots have buckles in the right place, the colors and textures are consistent, and the number of fingers, fingernails, and claws are correct.
I'd love to see a video or something about the workflow, or really anything related lol. this is remarkable.
MemberSome big praise, thanks! <3
Regarding workflow, there's a few different methods I use. But for this one... well let's just say your comment about a proportionally correct monitor lizard is notable, because yeah I haven't ever gotten SD to generate a monitor lizard like that. Bing's image creator (dalle powered) can do one well though. So I prompted for side view of a human carrying a monitor lizard slung over his shoulder and got this
I brought that into an image editor and started moving body parts around (and swapping in a whole different lower half for the guy). Then I doodled in a background with some broad brush strokes and began rendering it in SD piece by piece.
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