directed by cresent sun
Viewing sample resized to 56% of original (view original) Loading...

Generated the original image in Civitai, then used R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B in Automatic1111 for upscaling and inpainting.
Original image before modification:

Positive prompt: (chunie, tojo the thief, smagloosh, sigma x) fallout, feral, scalie, male, deathclaw, monster, presenting, thick anus, bent over, anal juices dripping, big cock, genital slit, thick tail, tail raised, claws, monster boy, (large teeth, fangs, lots of teeth) <lora:epi_noiseoffset2:1.2> <lora:epiCRealismHelper:2> <lora:Furtastic_Detailer:1> <lora:hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7:1> <lora:more_details:1.1>

Negative prompt: boring_e621_v4, EasyNegative, Bad Hands 5, bwu, dfc, ubbp, updn, depth of field, sketch, black border, vignette,

Steps: 110,
Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras,
CFG scale: 13.5,
Seed: 3381648914,
Size: 1512x1512,
Model hash: 6d71f31f61,
Model: yiffymix_v36,
Denoising strength: 0.47,
Mask blur: 8,
Lora hashes: "epi_noiseoffset2: 3775aad8a02d, epiCRealismHelper: c5e24d9bc4b5, Furtastic_Detailer: 2e94914f676c, hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7: 66d481cf230a, more_details: 3b8aa1d351ef",
Version: v1.7.0

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