chastity coyote directed by chastity coyote (director)

Caught by a Bounty Hunter completely and by a chance accident on the outpost planet Rigel, he decided that instead of taking me all the way back to Earth he dropped me off at the prison planet Eros 4, for processing.

The next time a prisoner transport came, I would go back with their return to Earth. That was not happening for at least another 9 months.

On entry, I knew I had the processing staff excited.

They saw a figure with wide hips and nice breasts and most of them probably had not seen a female in at least a year.

I could see them all tenting their uniforms, and smirked knowing they were in for a surprise soon. Let the horny shits deflate as soon as I was stripped at processing.

Much to my shock, it was only a minor setback to them. These were some horny fuckers. Common comment was warm holes and boobs to grab.

Soon after I was kitted out into my prisoner uniform of some lewd attire and a chastity cage.

They made a daily schedule in whos off duty guards room I was to be available in, and while the idea of being a sex toy to anyone was bad, it got my wheels turning.

I used that room access to my advantage, the advantage I was wanted for...


Sure it was the old terminals using Slow-Trans interstellar networks, but they work.

I plotted my revenge. You fuck me, I fuck you.

After they doze off in a post orgasmic bliss, I login to their terminal in a post fucked revenge.

Most was fairly benign hacks, learning the passcodes to get in areas, schedules, all that. After a few weeks I had all I needed to know - almost.

It was not until the Warden got his turn it hit final paydirt.

All the codes used to open the terminal port and code for the transports to get into dock.

Sometimes, it was access I used for real revenge.

There is a particular senior guard, Sergeant Hearford, that was a sadistic prick.

Third week in on my daily rotation he was the first and only one to be that way. Most had the common sense to not look a "gift yote in the mouth" and were gentle and nice as it can be in sex...

But the Sergeant decided i was a playtoy, he immediately smacked me to the floor, almost choked me to death on his dick, then continuously alternated between beating me, cuddling me, and raping me all night...

After, I got on his terminal and noticed he had an upcoming minor surgery in Medical, So I got my revenge.

Through my blurry eyes, my blood clotted nose, my sore ass, and the bruises, I changed his medical.

A week later imagine his surprise when his appendix removal got screwed up,

And his balls were lost in space.

7 months later the transfer ship showed up and I was put onboard and off we went.

Imagine their surprise on Eros 4 when the real transport showed up a week later. By then, I was so deep in a backwater part of the Horse-Head Nebula, I would never be found again.

That transport docking triggered a subroutine as well.

All the guards / staff interstellar Credits were now mine.

Except for Richard.

He was the only guard to never just use me for the most part.

A rather typical Border Collie in size, makeup, and looks, the first three times I was there in his barracks he just wanted to talk and ask questions, cuddle a bit... generally he was just a fucking nice guy. We would get in bed, and he just wanted to cuddle and snuggle and talk all night.

Fuck, i need his passcode!

On the fourth rotation it was going as usual and I was getting exasperated.

When he took my hands in his, and said "I think im in love"...

I had it at that point.

I shoved him back on the bed and ripped his pants down.

I engulfed his cock with my muzzle and sucked him off like my life depended on it, and in some ways, it did.

After he finished and I had thought he had dozed off i accessed his terminal.

I heard him behind me on the bed saying, You could have just asked for it.

I stopped typing and turned to him.

He fumbled in a dresser and pulled out small box and opened it.

Inside was a ring.

"Will you marry me? I, I,, I have a collection of cool guns back home if you want to see as well. We can go to the Galactic Core and break shit..."

I said yes.

Why did I? Who knows, but I liked the idea.

3 months after my escape we met up and went to the Core and shit got broke.

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