chastity coyote directed by chastity coyote (director)

-- FLASHBACK (continued) --

I managed to displease the Estate Keeper while the Prince was off to council business for a few days.

Pulled forcefully from the home and led to the barn, I was berated by her and forced to my knees in front of her.

"The prince might own you and Bonded to you as his concubine, but I have nothing but disdain for anything to do with Kanistain"

She dropped her dress and made me open my muzzle. I was expecting to have to orally please her, but she surprised me with a blast of warm urine on my face. I wanted to pull away, but she held me there as I was urinated on.

"You canines are in the habit of marking things" she added.

I sat there stunned at her words but had no quarter to rebuke her as she was the Estate Keeper, and I the mere Bonded concubine of the Prince.

Locking a lead on my collar to a post in an empty stall in the barn, she smacked my urine soaked muzzle and said,

"For the next few days your going to stay out here stinking of me, and if you see me coming, on your knees, mouth open."

I looked down at the straw floor and sighed. I had endured worse.

Urine ran off my breasts and soaked into my fur.

She took her foot and kicked at the chastity cage at my loins.

"Why would he want a whelp like you?" she said as she turned and left.

My Prince came home a few days later, I heard him return with his convoy of assistants and guards as they made their way to the barn with their horses.

The Prince saw me in one of the stalls and with a shout, ran to me.

As i explained what happened over the last few days to me, he was sniffing and looking at me. I was a mess, stunk of urine, fur matted and where it dried, stiff and crunchy.

He shouted to his assistants, "get to my chamber immediately and start a warm bath! You, get her up and get her into that bath as soon as it is ready!"

"And bring me the Estate Keeper!"

He put a hand on my neck, running his fingers under my collar.

"This is not right, none of it" he said.

He headed off as soon as he saw the Estate Keeper being escorted out and partway to the estate they met.

He smacked her and told her to kneel, and I could not believe what I saw, when he loosened his pantaloons and urinated on her head.

"I am relieving, you, of your position right now." He said as he covered her in his urine.

"you have one job at the estate from this day forward" He said and continued,

"Only one and that is to keep the estate chamber pots clean."

She looked up at the Prince and started to speak.

"Royal, shes but a mere slave from Kani..."

She never had a chance to finish as my Prince smacked her hard enough to knock her over in the puddle of urine around her.

At this point I am conflicted, I well know my place in this Kingdom. I have been faithful and willing over these last years to submit to that status, and my treatment over the last few days was never one i considered outside my status.

But, but something has changed in the Prince.

I see him spend more time with me, he actually has loosened up with me over the years and talks about things really only the heads of state in the kingdom should discuss.

As I am thinking this, He focuses his attention on the former estate manager.

"You so much as look at her, touch her, plot something against her... Death would be welcome to what you would endure."

I was crying as I was taken from the barn and bathed. I fell asleep afterwards quickly, my body sore and cold from the nights chill and soaked in urine.

I dreamed that the Prince actually, loved me.

And in the time since then, I learned he did.

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