chastity coyote directed by chastity coyote (director)

I found and sat upon the now dusty and worn box that many, many years ago, i stood on as a scared child and was bought by the prince.

Through my tears, I remembered it all.

Time and memory makes strange bedfellows, but out of all of it, I grew and came to love my prince, and looking back, he softened up to me quickly.

I fast became part of his life.

He needed me eventually as much as i depended, no, needed him.

I have a small sharp knife with me.

I, I am going to use it.

i am not needed anymore.

As i put the knife to my throat, i felt a presence and saw a shadow behind me.

I turned to look and it was my prince.

He grabbed my hand with the knife i held to my throat, and I shouted to him to please make it quick.

He turned the blade away from me and with a quick thrust, sliced the collar off my neck.

The collar fell in a poof of dust as it hit the floor of the old slave market.

I looked at it for a second then up at him.

I have much to explain, he said, as he picked me up and cradled me.

This, this place is no more and while I now hate it, i love it because it gave you to me.

I was away because I am now King.

I was required to produce an heir, and, it has happened while i was away with a female chosen for me.

With that, I have made my first royal decree.

You are my Queen.

  • Comments
  • VBS


    Glad you posted more, I was excited to see the rest of this

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