chastity coyote directed by chastity coyote (director)

have more to tell and do with it, but this side thing has been taking up space on my desktop for a while so i am tossing it up.
World and Setting:
This is a typical thing in Kanistan, as they share a lot of the same laws and religions of Servidia.

The culture and religion strictly forbids homosexuality and anything relating to the mutilation or such of the subjects and this even applies, in all cases of a violation of the rules, to death.

In Kanistan, a new family is allowed only one male child, as the firstborn male will be the de facto only successor for the family bloodline. Females are perfectly fine anytime, but if a second male is born there is a process whereas much like the Servidians, a diet of the right foods, herbs, and application of non mutilation work, usually a chastity belt/device and with the feminizing application of herbs, renders the male technically by law as written, considered female in stature within the family pack and community.

Dear dear older brother, I know your hidden desires ever since last spring when i would often secretly catch you peeking in my room with your penis in your hand.

I can only imagine the turmoil in your head as you are the families only legal chosen one to continue our name and bloodline.

You can have any female when the time comes, but you lust after me.

The foods and herbs I must eat gave me this body, the cage on my loins keeps me pure, so I do not understand why you desire me.

I can never give you what is required, an heir to the bloodline, but your attentions and deeds i secretly know this last span of spring to spring, has left me desiring you as well.

Last night I left this note on your pillow for you to find.

If you desire to follow what seems to be your lust, and mine now, at dawn make way outside to the south side of the house and meet me there.

In this year as I first was wrapping my head around you, I have myself started having lustful feelings for you.

I have always loved you dear brother, but this, this is a now uncontrollable lust in me that burns in my loins as well..

I want to be held by you, feel your warmth, your love and...
your desire.

I want to feel your manhood as it takes my virginity, I want to feel your knot as it ties us together in bliss.

I want to feel needed.

I want to feel loved.

I want to feel - You.

I know you will by law eventually take a mate who's loins can give you child, but until that day, dear brother, let us be one.

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