fuscia directed by fuzzy logic
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First time walking own her own since the surgery. First time in a long time that she's had fresh air and personal space at the same time. She knows the nurses still close by, still watching her, still ready to rush over if she falls. She hates that they're justified in their concern. And even if she manages to stay upright, they'll be over soon to gush about how happy are for her. But she's doing her best to enjoy the moment while it lasts.

This piece took forever. Well, maybe just ten hours over the course of a week. Which is kinda like forever, but shorter. AI straight-up can't do forearm crutches; presumably too few of them in the training sets. Anyways, point is, I started working on her and realized that I couldn't just half-ass this piece, so I went all-in with every tool in my belt. This is maybe the second or third image that I've done where really feel like the time spent and changes made make it should qualify the image for a non-AI site, but them's the rules I guess. Hope y'all like her. Maybe you'll get more of her soon.

  • Comments
  • i would love to see more of her! does she have a backstory as to what happened to her leg? looks great keep it up 👍

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  • tuckster said:
    does she have a backstory as to what happened to her leg?

    She works at a plant nursery, and always have some scrapes here or there from the various thorned plants (she hates roses in particular). She didn't realize she had her leg pushed up against oleander for several minutes during one shift, and ended up getting some sap stuck on one of her scrapes. Fast forward a couple of days, and her leg's got a necrotic patch the size of her fist, and a 50/50 chance of survival if they didn't take the leg off. Oleander's nasty stuff.

    But if you asked her, she'd tell you that she accidentally bred a giant sentient venus fly trap, and lost her leg while saving some helpless orphans from the horrific beast. (And then she'd feel bad for avoiding the question and tell you the truth)

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  • fuzzy-logic said:
    She works at a plant nursery, and always have some scrapes here or there from the various thorned plants (she hates roses in particular). She didn't realize she had her leg pushed up against oleander for several minutes during one shift, and ended up getting some sap stuck on one of her scrapes. Fast forward a couple of days, and her leg's got a necrotic patch the size of her fist, and a 50/50 chance of survival if they didn't take the leg off. Oleander's nasty stuff.

    But if you asked her, she'd tell you that she accidentally bred a giant sentient venus fly trap, and lost her leg while saving some helpless orphans from the horrific beast. (And then she'd feel bad for avoiding the question and tell you the truth)

    I HATE oleanders 😠 lost a family pet when i was younger due to this evil plant, she's lucky she only lost a leg and it didn't infect her bloodstream!

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