niko directed by reyneke

A soft moan escaped Niko lips, after she made herself comfortable on the rim of the deep fryer, and she licked her lips as she pushed her hips forward, submerging her vagina deep in the hot, sizzling oil.

"Good, very good", she heard the chief, end elderly human male, say as the stench of her own frying flesh filled her nose. "Hold that pose, please. We want to make sure your labia are evenly cooked before serving them."
"I'll try my best", she panted, gasping at the myriad of sensations flooding through her. Luckily, the drugs he gave her seemed to be working. Instead of blinding pain, all she felt was a lot of tingling and heaps of adrenaline mixed in with dopamine. Then again, what did she expect? Keyla herself had advertised him, something she would most certainly not have done, had he been a dud.
"Just a few more moments", he said, glancing shameless between her legs. "What do you think will go best with this? I was thinking about a salad? Maybe a sweet red wine?"
"I, ah, have no idea", she managed to say, the sensations nearly overwhelming her. "I am totally new to this. Being served, I mean."
"That is okay. In that case, I will go with my decision. You be nice, and please keep in mind to climax shortly, yes? An orgasm makes the flesh so much softer. If you manage to get on off, I might be tempted to allow you to use the nanites to speed heal yourself before we go on to serve your anus."

Just then, as if on command, she felt a familiar tingle build up deep inside of her. It grew rather quickly before exploding outward, eliciting a warm smile from him.

  • Comments
  • shanti said:
    Snuff tag?

    Just to be sure. This way, people can trust their blacklist to not show them what they don't want to see ... and I could not find a better warning tag to alert them of the content.

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  • zegreenstardood said:
    What the fuck is wrong with you ;-;

    That is a good question, innit? Personally, I'd say I am just exploring some of my darker thoughts.What do you think?

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