niko directed by reyneke

"Are you certain this is going to work", Niko wanted to know, as Keyla tightened the clamps holding her neither folds apart, spreading them over the metal rod pressed firmly against them.
"It certainly did for me a few days ago", she replied.
"And? How did it feel?"
"Glorious. Empowering."
"... really?"
"Yes", her companion nodded. "It began the moment I knelt down to offer myself to the one, who was going to serve me, and it reached a high point when they sat down to eat. Just knowing what I had freely given to them, hearing their praise as I was prepared, feeling their eyes upon me as the oil bubbled up to coat my flesh ..."
"I see. Well, let's hope I will think the same later on."
"You will, I am certain of it", Keyla grinned. "Just relax and go with the flow. Everything will be fine."

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