keyla nakatomi directed by reyneke

"It is ready, Miss Nakatomi", the voice of the engineer said. "If you like, we can begin."
"Of course I want", she said back, quickly slipping out of the suit she had been wearing as she gazed at the writhing mass of tentacles and biomass in front of her. Indeed, they were ready.

It had begun as an idea, one of those brain farts you usually have after a long night. She had been reading up on some of her "nerd stuff" and, upon a whim, got the idea to use the vast resources of her to try and recreate one of its more colorful species. After a few first failed attempts, her researchers, finally, made a breakthrough, and now It was alive: The Hive Mind. A being, composed of many others, designed to consume and subdue and able to adapt to everything this universe could throw at her.

As she walked up to it, she could feel it reach out to her. Breathing heavily, she offered herself to it then, then, without further ado, jumped right into its midst, allowing it full access to her body. An offer it hungrily accepted, thrusting its tentacles deep into her, filling her with its juices to make her its prey. Only mere moments after it had begun, she knew, she was in for a long ride as it would not consume her quickly, preferring to drag it out in an attempt to keep her alive as long as possible.

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