valeeria oconnor directed by reyneke

With a grin, Valeeria, carefully, adjusted her position, allowing the plant access to her neither regions. As it closed in on her, she bit her lip in anticipation and inhaled the sweet scent it emanated in an attempt to calm its prey, lure it into thinking everything was fine until it could attack. What would it actually feel like? She had read some records, seen some view of others getting eaten by the plant, but those compared nothing to the real thing. She knew, it preferred eating its prey from the inside out. Usually, the first step was to pump its digestive juices into whatever orifice it could reach, then wait and keep pumping as said fluids did their work over the span of an hour. Would it realize, what she was asking of it?

She got her answer a moment later, when it extended a tentacle, and she felt a splash of warm fluids hit her "down below", which made her tingle all over.

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