valeeria oconnor directed by reyneke

"The first step an initiate to the Society has to pass to become a full member is an act of debaucherous bravery. A sign, that he or she understands the risks and obligations of being a member. of being able to explore his or her own sexuality free from any taboo, be it social or otherwise, except some very basic ones, and is willing to accept it.

For males or those with a penis, this means getting an implant in the form of a permanent cockring made from solid steel. It looks like an ornamental rose with petals, the latter of which can be pried apart to reveal a Datajack. Females or those with a slit get a similar implant. It, too, comes in the shape of a rose. The difference is, that this rose replaces their clitoral glans. Implantation is swift and, if done right, heals within a few days thanks to microsurgery and lasers.

As a sidenote, the colors of the petals mark the status of the member within the society. Red is usually reserved for the lower ranks or those most devout to Lord Abraxas."
- Keyla Nakatomi, "Rituals of the Midnight Society", 21.01.2103

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