valeeria oconnor directed by reyneke

With a humming sound and the stench of ozone the laser sprang to life, not failing to hit its mark.

"Glory to Lord Abraxas", Valeeria yipped, her heart racing as she shifted around a bit so the camera could get a good view. The stench of burning flesh, among the massive amount of pain coursing through her, was overpowering, vomit inducing, yet she stayed strong. She had to. He, her owner, her savior, demanded it. She had to endure, had to let the laser travel its path, had to draw pleasure from it to climax before that path had finished. If she did not cum, He would most certainly be displeased, maybe even remove her from His favor to throw her back among the plebs where she originated from - and this was something she would not stand for.

Thankfully, she had been trained well. Already her body had started to produce adrenaline and dopamine, among a ton of other things, to help her reach her goal. Teeth clenched, she grinned at her stiff nipples and the wetness of her neither folds, as the ritual went on and when her time came, she did not fight. She broke out in glorious howling instead, as her climax crushed her and she could feel her Orgon flow towards His immaterial throne, making her feel complete in ways that no word could tell. For a few seconds, she bathed in his attention. Then the moment passed and her world went black.

When it was over, the first thing she felt, was the tingling of His restorative magic as it granted her back, what she had surrendered to him. Happiness filled her heart. It was done. Her goal had been reached, she had not fallen from His grace.

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