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The Bitch of the Tribe


Hmm, let's see... 'Snow-colored fur, smells just like Lavender, has the physique and abilities completely useless for hunting, wears a fancy-looking pendant and has a bright marking on his shoulder...' Smells like this tent is the least manly-smelling one. Ah, there he is, laying on his side on the ground. Probably sleeping...

Not like I care.

Sheeesh, stop flailing your arms around! I need to make sure first... Yep, under the appropriate sized loincloth expected for his frail-looking body type, which is about as short as I expected, I can see even the faint gleam of his metal cage.

Hehe, it's not even a challenge to drag this pathetic welp out of the tent after discarding his loincloth behind. It's not like I'm worried I'll break him if I follow my instincts and pin him down to rut him from behind in his own resting tent, mounting this bitch like I would any other bitch in heat until I empty my balls. Of course not; I just want to use him where it's warmer, considering the nights are getting colder since a month has already gone by.

While looking back at the welp trying to hide his pathetic bare crotch with his paws and taking a good sniff his way, I can tell that someone else had used the bitch tonight, and the kitty did not go for a late night bath in the river afterwards it seems... That doesn't bother me though; I'll just contribute to the filling. He'll be smelling more like me by the time I'm done with him.

By the tribe's central campfire should be just fine. Oh, stop looking at me like that, there's nothing shameful to hide. I have my needs, just like everyone else in the tribe. Looks like his tailhole is still kinda wet from the previous tribe's member, so I won't even need to waste time prepping him up then. Well, u...up you go.

I've been aroused and tenting under my own loincloth ever since smelling his distinct feminine smell, so I discard mine as well. Just a quick check to confirm he can easily fit 3 of my fingers under his tail before I position myself at his entrance and lower him down on my prick and-- AH, fuck this bitch's tight. Looks just about the perfect size for my dick, although I have bred some females even smaller than him before, yet their hole weren't squeezing the juices out of me like this bitch's white-pelted fur is right now.

He was struggling at first, probably upset about me taking his resting time away from him to satisfy my own needs, and probably also because I haven't used his services before, so he probably doesn't even know who I am... It's normal to get nervous about meeting someone new, or maybe he was just worried about the size of my dick. Everyone in the tribe needs to contribute though; I don't make the rules, so he shouldn't be allowed to slack off while the other lions in the pack bring food on the table.

Now though, he's just pawing at the cage between his legs furiously, adding new claw marks to the already visibly scratched steel prison that is preventing him from getting hard. Silly bitch should have learned by now... He hasn't shot a single load ever since we left I was told, much to the amusement of some of the other tribesmen, who have been making use of him on a daily schedule. Some of the other lions have even been teasing him about it. Anyway, it's not like I can unlock it; I don't have the key. In fact, nobody else in the hunting party has. It was put on him the day that the hunting party left to travel south on a two months trip to hunt for extra game to bring back as stockpile for the harsh, more food scarce season of winter.

The newly-recruited twerp tribesman had previously demonstrated during his last hunting season when he came of age that he wasn't a valiant asset to make use of on the field, so this year, instead of letting him be a liability again to his fellow hunters, the tribes' leader agreed to make a deal. The young adult would be allowed to stay within the tribe and leech off of their hard earned meat and supplies; would even be able to join the hunting party like every other males were expected to instead of facing the shame of staying behind with the tribe's wives that would stay behind and take care of the cubs. But in return, he would need to prove that he'd be useful to the tribe.

One of the thing that the hunting party lacks during hunting season and what the lion would complain the most about was, obviously, females... Or rather, a partner you could breed to seep away the stress and leftover energy of this prolonged hunting lifestyle, which is the most exhilarating, but also the most exhausting time of the year. The useless twerp could certainly fill that role, and his pelt and stature were pretty enough anyway to pass as a female, so most lion wouldn't even see a difference all that much.

The chastity cage was placed upon him as commitment to his new role, and as further assurance that he would be dedicated to his duty. When bitches go in heat, they are more easily seduced in hope that they'll find a good male for themselves to scratch that itch between their legs, and when they do, they get a lot more rowdy in bed, sometimes even outlasting their male partner. So by preventing our new bitch from ever getting satisfied, he'd be more desperate and proactive with each new lion mounting him to try and get off himself. Therefore we make him a more willing, better lay if we keep the welp denied.

From the way he's actively trying to sink onto my dick, even though I'm holding his frail body up without effort to control the pace, I certainly cannot object to this method... It's clearly working. The key stayed with the leader at camp, so that cage won't be able to come off until the hunting party returns. And even then, who knows if he'll get unlocked when we're back at camp...

The only downside is when he seems distracted by his own bouncing balls and padlock over that caged up prick, desperately trying to ease off the constant pressure of his manhood trying to get out of its sheath prison, but it's nothing like forcibly taking his paws off away from his own bits to keep him from losing focus. He's so weak that even the average prey we hunt can put more of a fight than a supposedly 'male predator lion' like himself. Tsk.

And if he starts scratching with those claws of his, a simple firm grip on those bouncing orbs keeping his manhood trapped seems to take care of the problem. Unfortunately for the kitten though, he started clawing as I was getting close and pumping into him deeper and harder than I previously had, so he needed correction, but when I could finally release my pent up seeds in him, I didn't think about letting go; In fact, I squeezed harder while burying my entire pick in his with one final thrust and as I was roaring in pleasure, a much higher-pitched attempt of a growl (which sounded more like a wail) echoed off my own in the dead silence of night.

At first, I thought he'd finally accomplished the impossible of getting his own release while wearing the cage, but a quick look down confirmed that: no, he hadn't cum. I saw my own hands still squeezing his nuts though, so that's when I let go, the twerp finally letting out a mewl of relief, even though it was followed by some frustrated whines of being denied release once again.

Fuck that bitch was good... I should have tried him on for a ride much sooner, like my fellow tribesmen recommended. With such a cacophony from the mating bitch though, I wouldn't be surprised if we woke up the whole hunting camp... Speaking of which, I see my own tent flap opening up and my brother emerges out of it, clearly still woozy from slumber, apparently not having bothered to fasten his loincloth on. Probably going out for a midnight pee.

He sees me buried deep into the white kitty's tailhole, and I know the bitch sees him too, because he freezes up in place as he quiets down, and I can feel him clench up harder on my arousal. My brother flashes me a knowing smile with an amused expression, and I send him back a wink as a 'thank you for the advice', which I'm sure he understood.

Seems like it certainly won't be the last of the kitty's nightly surprise visit...

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