chastity coyote directed by chastity coyote (director)

Captured at a young age near the tense border of Servidia and Kanistan and destined to be a slave, I am fed a diet of what the Servidians eat.

This has the side effects of an entirely vegan diet on a carnivore that is prepubescent of maturing with feminine traits - breasts, wide hips, and a high libido.

Servidians in this outpost/borderland have few females at their disposal, and their culture and religion strictly forbids homosexuality and anything relating to the mutilation or such of the subjects and this even applies, in all cases of a violation of this rule, to death.

Even to slaves.

I was bought at a young age by a High Prince to be his concubine, and when I reached my age of maturity for their culture, I was presented to him formally.

This skirts the homosexuality rules as is often even more lax in outpost regions, as the rules consider child bearing hips, breasts, and no genitals capable of penetration to be considered female.

No mutilation means I am locked in a chastity cage to meet the rules, the diet has accidentally but now noted, altered my physiology to meet the rules, and feminine attire helps.

As a show to his new found conquest of a suitable female as his concubine, I am paraded through the main square of Servidia after the Bonding Ceremony.

His virginity will be claimed today, and I will be officially declared his concubine.

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