kauket blackmoore directed by kauket

Hi and good morning...
You are wondering why I'm nude all the day?
That is simple
I know what I am, and I know it's fine.
Not everybody likes it, but I don't care about it. I feel free and like myself.
Let the people talk...

  • Comments
  • Let the people talk...like, I'm more concerned they'd talk like "OH MY GOD! IT'S A WEREWOLF! KILL IT AHHHHHH!" but I think in reality they might wonder why someone is wearing a naked werewolf woman costume, I mean...it's not THAT understanding of a world out there.

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  • adarjoor said:
    Let the people talk...like, I'm more concerned they'd talk like "OH MY GOD! IT'S A WEREWOLF! KILL IT AHHHHHH!" but I think in reality they might wonder why someone is wearing a naked werewolf woman costume, I mean...it's not THAT understanding of a world out there.

    In World of Warcraft worgen are part of the alliance.
    Most are well clothed and wear armor.
    Hmm Kauket is different...

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  • kauket said:
    In World of Warcraft worgen are part of the alliance.
    Most are well clothed and wear armor.
    Hmm Kauket is different...

    Ahhhh, I suppose that makes sense. I'm not as well versed at WoW than others are, though I do find Worgen rather alluring.

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  • adarjoor said:
    Let the people talk...like, I'm more concerned they'd talk like "OH MY GOD! IT'S A WEREWOLF! KILL IT AHHHHHH!" but I think in reality they might wonder why someone is wearing a naked werewolf woman costume, I mean...it's not THAT understanding of a world out there.

    Well, look up the New Years Christmas incident in Miami, USA.
    BTW a group of teens having a 30 second skirmish in the street outside the mall near the parking lot doesn't warrant an evacuation INSIDE the mall, black helicopters, the gov cutting radio, 6 blocks of police, mandatory phone confiscations, and investigations into the occupants who won't shut up about what they saw, etc.

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  • marcus said:
    Well, look up the New Years Christmas incident in Miami, USA.
    BTW a group of teens having a 30 second skirmish in the street outside the mall near the parking lot doesn't warrant an evacuation INSIDE the mall, black helicopters, the gov cutting radio, 6 blocks of police, mandatory phone confiscations, and investigations into the occupants who won't shut up about what they saw, etc.

    Uhhhhhh...was there a werewolf involved in that incident?

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