haida directed by scoutr
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Pool Party


When his newly-found friend called him up to invite him to a celebrating party for launching yet another one of his "revolutionary technology" on the market, Haida just happened to be available and in the mood for putting up with the rich guy's entourage so that he could be there as support on following up his advice to try and be more social and carefree once in a while, instead of working restlessly on his laptop.

Tadano sure could use some more friend to talk to, and Haida could use some booze to soothe the stress from his day job. What the donkey forgot to mention to his hyena friend though was that it was a pool party, which was not what he was expecting to find in the middle of Tokyo's busy town square. But the party was hosted on the very rooftop of one of the many skyscrapers, so it wasn't uncommon to find one of those outdoor pools if it happened to be owned by someone. Classic rich folk's fancy expense, am I right?

Since he obviously didn't bring anything to change for getting wet, Tadano had offered to lend him one of his own for the evening... Which, as it turned out, ended up being a very tight and revealing bikini-cut black speedo, and he assured the hyena that he didn't own anything else that was, let's say... less flashy. He had others of similar brand in different colors of course --with his money, he could afford a whole collection-- but didn't like the baggy feeling of swimming trunks, so he wouldn't waste money on clothing he wouldn't wear either.

The black was the less eye-catching one, so the hyena (very reluctantly) opted for that one. It took all his courage to come out of the changing room and join the partying crowd on the roof, and to avoid any potential stares on his mostly-exposed body, had the brilliant idea to dive straight in so people wouldn't have the chance to inspect his body more closely while he was submerged.

Thing is...he had to get out of the water at some point, so when he did, he felt even more embarrassed as he looked down at what others were able to see. The bulge was clearly a lot more visible now that his speedo was wet and he could feel himself blushing furiously under his cheek.

Soooo embarrassing...

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